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Phd Position Robust Jobs in France

Jobs 1 to 25 of 2392

Contexte et atouts du poste Context and scientific environment of the project.This PhD project is part of a collaborative multidisciplinary project...
Location: Technopole De Sophia Antipolis , Provence-Alpes-Côte D'azur
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This PhD position is a collaboration between two Inria research teams: , and Mission confiée ContextThe increasing size of...
Location: Montpellier , Occitania
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste Conditions: The work will be carried in English in the research center.The Ph.D. position is full-time for 3 years...
Location: Rennes , Brittany
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte du recrutement et définition de poste : Acronyme : ZOONORCETitre du projet de thèse: Zoonoses et Risques liés à la Circulation des parasites...
Location: Marne , Grand Est
Language(s): French
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Description de l'offreContext: Machine learning plays a central role in many applications, and the increasing adoption of decentralized solutions,...
Location: Palaiseau , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
A propos du centre ou de la direction fonctionnelle The Inria center at Université Côte d''Azur includes 42 research teams and 9 support services. The...
Location: La Celle-Sous-Gouzon , Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 06 Dec 2024
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Contexte et atouts du poste Inria is the French national research institute for digital science and technology. At Inria, more than 3900 researchers...
Location: Villeurbanne , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Context & Job description The characterization of structural properties such as displacement fields, composition, and defects in nanostructures is a...
Location: Grenoble , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste not applicable Mission confiée Context:Federated Learning (FL) empowers a multitude of devices, including mobile phones...
Location: Technopole De Sophia Antipolis , Provence-Alpes-Côte D'azur
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
PhD Position F/M PhD position in Quantum Information Theory Le descriptif de l’offre ci-dessous est en Anglais Type de contrat : CDD Niveau de diplôme...
Location: Palaiseau , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
JOB ENVIRONMENT: Institut Mines-Télécom is the leading public group of engineering and management Grandes Écoles in France. Consisting of eight public...
Location: Saint-Étienne , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 21 Dec 2024
JOB ENVIRONMENT : Institut Mines-Télécom is the leading public group of engineering and management Grandes Écoles in France. Consisting of eight...
Location: Saint-Étienne , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 21 Dec 2024
Thèse - PhD in Polymer Sciences Description :Project title : Synthesis and properties of PS-PMMA copolymers containing reversible covalent crosslinks...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Topic description Your doctoral project is part of the ANR-funded project MYOCILINF- (> k€), focusing on muscular pathologies in advanced aging. To...
Location: Null , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
The Curie Institute Research CenterThe “Institut Curie” is a major player in the research and fight against cancer. It consists of a hospital and a...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This postdoctoral research is part of the REAVISE project: “Robust and Efficient Deep Learning based Audiovisual Speech...
Location: Villers-Lès-Nancy , Grand Est
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Alice & Bob is developing the first universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer to solve the world''s hardest problems. The quantum computer we...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 18 Dec 2024
PhD Thesis in cellular neurobiology and epilepsy Publié le 0, 27/11/2023 - 11:10...
Location: Bron , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Are you a Ph.D. student looking for the next big adventure in your career? Or a Ph.D. holder currently in a fixed-term position at a laboratory or...
Location: Lyon , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Le département de Droit de la Faculté de Droit, d''Economie et de Finance recherche un/e chercheur/se en formation doctorale en Droit constitutionnel...
Location: Longwy , Grand Est
Language(s): French
Date Added: 18 Dec 2024
Topic description Abstract: Quality of Service (QoS) and routing policies are key to control how bandwidth is shared among different applications in...
Location: Null , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Valeo is a tech global company, designing breakthrough solutions to reinvent the mobility. We are an automotive supplier partner to automakers and new...
Location: Bobigny , Île-De-France
Language(s): French
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Le département de Droit de la Faculté de Droit, d''Economie et de Finance recherche un/e chercheur/se en formation doctorale en Droit constitutionnel...
Location: Amnéville , Grand Est
Language(s): French
Date Added: 18 Dec 2024
Le département de Droit de la Faculté de Droit, d''Economie et de Finance recherche un/e chercheur/se en formation doctorale en Droit constitutionnel...
Location: Metz , Grand Est
Language(s): French
Date Added: 18 Dec 2024
Topic description Topic: Control and observation of electromechanical brakes Keywords: Control theory, Observers, Cascaded control, Hybrid systems,...
Location: Null , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024

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