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Phd Position Security Jobs in France

Jobs 1 to 25 of 6028

PhD Position F/M PhD position in Quantum Information Theory Le descriptif de l’offre ci-dessous est en Anglais Type de contrat : CDD Niveau de diplôme...
Location: Palaiseau , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This PhD thesis will take place in team COAST and will be supervised by Claudia-Lavinia Ignat, HDR, CRCN Inria, Inria...
Location: Villers-Lès-Nancy , Grand Est
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte du recrutement et définition de poste : Acronyme : ZOONORCETitre du projet de thèse: Zoonoses et Risques liés à la Circulation des parasites...
Location: Marne , Grand Est
Language(s): French
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This PhD student position will be supported by the project. While this position will be in the MAGNET team in Lille, we...
Location: Villeneuve-D'ascq , Hauts-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This PhD position is supported by the Nokia-Inria Federated Learning Challenge, and will be hosted within the MARACAS team...
Location: Villeurbanne , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Job Description Nokia is providing Software, IT equipment and Services at the cutting edge of technology and adaptable to all types of Networks. To...
Location: Massy , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 18 Dec 2024
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Contexte et atouts du poste Inria Mocqua team at Centre Inria de l'Université de Lorraine and Loria. Mission confiée Quantum circuits are fundamental...
Location: Villers-Lès-Nancy , Grand Est
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This project is at the intersection of the fields of quantum information theory, approximationalgorithms and optimization....
Location: Lyon , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This PhD thesis will take place in team COAST, under the supervision of Claudia-Lavinia Ignat, HDR, CRCN Inria, Inria...
Location: Villers-Lès-Nancy , Grand Est
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste The position is funded by the national program on communication networks(PEPR réseaux du Futur, research will be conducted...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste We propose a three-years Ph.D. student position in passive imaging for terrestrial and solar seismology. This position is...
Location: Pau , Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Détails de la Mission Title of the position: Chemical Recycling via Pyrolysis of Thermoplastic Composite Materials: Process Optimization and...
Location: La Garenne-Colombes , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This Ph.D is funded on an ANR funding in the context of Plan Quantique.The PhD candidate will join the QuaCS team in the...
Location: Gif-Sur-Yvette , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste The PhD will be funded by the Governmental Acceleration Funding - PEPR Santé Numérique. The candidate will work with all...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This thesis is placed in the context of NumPEx ( a key national project whose goal is to co-design the software stack for...
Location: Évry-Courcouronnes , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
A propos du centre ou de la direction fonctionnelle The Inria Centre at Rennes University is one of Inria''s eight centres and has more than thirty...
Location: Rennes , Brittany
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 06 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste In his/her journey to the doctoral thesis, the candidate will be supported by PEPR project FOUNDRY, and supervised by ....
Location: Villeneuve-D'ascq , Hauts-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste The PhD thesis will take place at the Université Grenoble Alpes in the Inria-AIRSEA team. This project is funded by...
Location: Montbonnot-Saint-Martin , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste The PhD thesis is funded by the Paris region program and it is hosted by the Kopernic team in Paris (see more details...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste A vibrant scientific, technological, clinical and ethical environmentYou will work within the ARAMIS lab (The ARAMIS lab,...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Thèse - PhD in Polymer Sciences Description :Project title : Synthesis and properties of PS-PMMA copolymers containing reversible covalent crosslinks...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Topic description Your doctoral project is part of the ANR-funded project MYOCILINF- (> k€), focusing on muscular pathologies in advanced aging. To...
Location: Null , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste Within the framework of a partnership (you can choose between) Verimag, LIP, and Aniah Mission confiée Detailed proposal :...
Location: Grenoble , Auverge-Rhône-Alpes
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
The Curie Institute Research CenterThe “Institut Curie” is a major player in the research and fight against cancer. It consists of a hospital and a...
Location: Paris , Île-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024
Contexte et atouts du poste This engineer position will be supported by the CAPS'UL project. The position will be based in the MAGNET team in Lille,...
Location: Villeneuve-D'ascq , Hauts-De-France
Language(s): Only English Required
Date Added: 04 Dec 2024

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